Instead of having to write a test app, here is a handy online tool for regular expression testing in multiple languages.→ Continue reading “Regular Expression Testing”
Month: April 2013
Importing Maven Project from a Cloned Git Project into Eclipse Juno SR2 with m2e
I was having some funky issues with Eclipse and m2e not properly reading the pom.xml and setting up the .classpath properly when importing an existing Maven project into Eclipse from a cloned git repo.
When I did the following:
- Go to File/Import/Maven/Existing Maven Projects
- Chose the root dir of the the existing directory
I got the following error:
An internal error occurred during: “Updating Maven Project”.
Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4
Initially, I solved it with a series of back-and-forth commands in → Continue reading “Importing Maven Project from a Cloned Git Project into Eclipse Juno SR2 with m2e”
Fixing Compile Error: undefined reference to ‘dclose’ (dlopen, dlsym, and/or dlerror)
I am running an Ubuntu 12.10 machine and I had to compile and install a jsvc binary for an older version that I didn’t have a package that I could install via dpkg or apt-get install.
Running configure came off without a hitch.
Running make resulted in the following error:
gcc -ldl -lpthread jsvc-unix.o libservice.a -o ../jsvc
libservice.a(dso-dlfcn.o): In function `dso_unlink’:
/usr/local/src/daemon-1.0.1/src/native/unix/native/dso-dlfcn.c:41: undefined reference to `dlclose’
libservice.a(dso-dlfcn.o): In function `dso_link’:
/usr/local/src/daemon-1.0.1/src/native/unix/native/dso-dlfcn.c:36: undefined reference to `dlopen’
libservice.a(dso-dlfcn.o): In function `dso_symbol’:
/usr/local/src/daemon-1.0.1/src/native/unix/native/dso-dlfcn.c:47: → Continue reading “Fixing Compile Error: undefined reference to ‘dclose’ (dlopen, dlsym, and/or dlerror)”