Setting up an HTTP Proxy over SSH in Chrome under Fedora Core 18 Linux

At least under the FC 18 distro, there was no fancy GUI controls in the Advanced Settings for setting up an HTTP proxy over SSH for Chrome.

To get it all set up:

  • Establish and ssh connection to the server to which you want to proxy:
    • $ ssh -D localhost:1234 username@remote.server,  where 1234 is the port number you want to use for the proxy
  • Run google-chrome from the command line passing it the proxy setting:
    • $ google-chrome –proxy-server=socks5://localhost:1234
Continue reading “Setting up an HTTP Proxy over SSH in Chrome under Fedora Core 18 Linux”

Screen Cheat Sheet

I have recently be introduced to the *nix screen command.  Incredibly powerful tool for managing windows which mulitplexes a physical terminal between one or many processes.  One of the uses it to maintain interactive shells on a remote server between remote connections to the machine.

It is enormously helpful when executing long running commands on remote servers.  Especially those that timeout your ssh connection and or from machines that you are going to either disconnect from the net or shutdown.→ Continue reading “Screen Cheat Sheet”

Quick and Dirty HTTP Server to Transfer Files

If you need to stand up a quick HTTP Server to enable someone on your LAN to transfer some files use the following command in the directory that you want to ‘share’:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

The default port is 8000, but you can run it as follows to specify a port

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080Continue reading “Quick and Dirty HTTP Server to Transfer Files”

Making the Switch to a Standing Desk

A few years back I had an office mate who used a standing desk.  He said that he had been using a standing desk for many years and that once he got used to it he liked it much better.  Since then, I have noticed a number of studies that indicate sitting for extended periods of time is just plain bad for you.

For a while I have been wanting to make the switch, and today I took the plunge.→ Continue reading “Making the Switch to a Standing Desk”

Associating Eclipse .launch Files with the Eclipse XML Editor

  1. Open the Preference dialog and go to General/Editors/File Association.  Add a new file type with the *.launch suffix.  In the ‘Associated Editors’ box below, click on Add and assign the XML editor to the file type.
  2. In the Preferences dialog go to General/Appearance/Content Types.  Click on the + next to Text.  Click on ‘XML’ in the tree so that it is highlighted.  Click ‘Add’ in the box below and add the *.launch suffix
Continue reading “Associating Eclipse .launch Files with the Eclipse XML Editor”

Some Handy Eclipse Preferences

Changing the color of the block that get’s displayed in the right-hand side-bar when an occurance of a variable, field, or method is selected:
Eclipse > Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Occurrences > Color

Alias package names in the Package Explorer: Window > Preferences > Java > Appearance > [] Abbreviate package names→ Continue reading “Some Handy Eclipse Preferences”

Couldn’t sign in. There was a problem communicating with google servers. Try again later Error On Nexus 7 Tablet

A couple of months ago I stopped being able to purchase anything through the Google Play Store on my Nexus 7 Android device.  There were a number of different errors that were displayed:

General error messages:

  • Couldn’t sign in. There was a problem communicating with google servers.  Try again later.

From the Google Play app:

  • “Authentication is required.  You need to sign into your Google Account.” 

I tried everything:

  • Re-installing Play
  • Dumping the cache and disabling and re-enabling Play
  • Doing
Continue reading “Couldn’t sign in. There was a problem communicating with google servers. Try again later Error On Nexus 7 Tablet”

Importing Maven Project from a Cloned Git Project into Eclipse Juno SR2 with m2e

I was having some funky issues with Eclipse and m2e not properly reading the pom.xml and setting up the .classpath properly when importing an existing Maven project into Eclipse from a cloned git repo.

When I did the following:

  • Go to File/Import/Maven/Existing Maven Projects
  • Chose the root dir of the the existing directory

I got the following error:

An internal error occurred during: “Updating Maven Project”.
Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

Initially, I solved it with a series of back-and-forth commands in → Continue reading “Importing Maven Project from a Cloned Git Project into Eclipse Juno SR2 with m2e”