A great resource for bash coding conventions (the PDF is also available as an attachment to the blog post).
http://lug.fh-swf.de/vim/vim-bash/StyleGuideShell.en.pdf → Continue reading “Bash Style Guide and Coding Standard”
Principal Software Engineer/Architect, motorcyclist, drummer, and artist
A great resource for bash coding conventions (the PDF is also available as an attachment to the blog post).
http://lug.fh-swf.de/vim/vim-bash/StyleGuideShell.en.pdf → Continue reading “Bash Style Guide and Coding Standard”
If you want to set up yum.conf to talk to repos via a proxy server AND you have an @ sign in your user name or password, try replacing the @ with the url encoded equivalent of ‘%40’→ Continue reading “Yum Proxy Configuration with an @ (at) Character in Your User Name or Password”
Ah, Windows. It still has it’s old, quirky, you-just-can’t-wait-for-MicroSoft-to-go-out-of-business charm.
But seriously, if you are having trouble adding a printer on a Samba share on a Linux host try the following:
Should you find yourself in a situation where you want to call a function (or method) that accepts JSON data parameters that you want to actually print to the browser to be invoked on some sort of callback (onchange, onclick, etc).
Given the following function:
doSomething(JSONparam) {
// Something happens in here . . .
Here is the syntax for rendering an onclick link that is generated in JavaScript and then output to the DOM:
var $markup = ‘<a → Continue reading “Syntax for Dynamically Generating JSON in JavaScript to be Output to HTML”
Most OO programers are familiar with packages. This enables programmers to group like classes together in a logical order and provide some namespace to avoid class name collisions.
I have seen a variety of JavaScript sugar implementations that are mostly unintelligible.
I like things that are simple and easy to understand.
So, if you have a JavaScript class that looks like:
* Constructor
com.ryanchapin.Base = function() {
// Constructor does something here . . .
}→ Continue reading “Simple Solution for JavaScript Object Packages and Namespaces”
When first installing NXServer I have seen a number of occastions when the initial run of
# /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –install
Does not necessarily work correctly and simply running the following commands has worked.
# /usr/NX/bin/nxsetup –uninstall –purge –clean
# /usr/NX/bin/nxsetup –install –setup-nomachine-key
If the previous uninstall/install command doesn’t work, try rpm -e nx*.rpms and reinstalling the rpms before trying to run the nxserver –install command again.→ Continue reading “Solution for ‘NX service is not available’”
Following are some good articles/tutorial on OO JavaScript:
Very handy ECMAScript 5 compatibility table for the JavaScript programmer:
http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/→ Continue reading “ECMAScript 5 Compatibility Table”
Following is a quick example of how to generate an MD5 Hash (SHA-256, SHA-512 or any other supported hash algorithm) of either a String or the byte value of a long. You should be able to adapt for your particular application:
package com.ryanchapin.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
public class HashGenerator {
public static String createHash(long input, String hashAlgorithm) {
// Generate a byte array from the long
// Extract the byte value → Continue reading “Creating a MD5 Hash in Java From Either a String or the Byte Value of a Long”