Banana Bread

If you wait until your bananas are sufficiently over-ripe they will have enough sugar that you don’t have to add much at all and it makes for a much healthier bread.

You can make a double batch, cut up and freeze and it will stay fresh a very long time. Simply remove a piece from the freezer and microwave on high for 45 seconds to a minute and it will taste like it just came out of the oven.


  • 3 large, over-ripe bananas
  • 1 stick of butter, 1/2 cup
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 TBS sugar or you can substitute for honey
  • 1 TSP baking soda
  • 1/2 TSP salt
  • 1/2 TSP cinnamon
  • 1/2 TSP nutmeg
  • 1/4 TSP allspice
  • 1 TSP vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Rub a pat of butter on the inside of a loaf pan. Then put about 2 TBS of flour on the pan so that the flour coats the entire pan
  3. Measure out all of the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and stir until well mixed.
  4. Cut up the stick of butter and put it in the microwave. Microwave it for about a minute or so at about 20% until it completely melts, but you don’t want it to be boiling hot
  5. Add the bananas to a large mixing bowl and mash until they are reasonably smooth
  6. Pour the butter into the bananas
  7. Lightly whip the eggs with a fork and add to the banana and butter mixture
  8. Add the vanilla to the wet mixture and the honey if you are using it instead of sugar
  9. Pour the dry ingredient mixture into the wet mixture and stir just enough to combine. The more you stir it the more dense your bread will be after baking it.
  10. You can optionally add chocolate chips, nuts, or raisins
  11. Pour into your baking pan and bake for about 45 minutes. Check to see if the top is firm and starting to brown. If you have doubled your recipe you may need to bake for up to an hour or more. It is hard to over cook it so no need to stress if it stays in the oven a little longer
  12. Remove from the oven and let sit for about 15 minutes. Then smack the pan with your hand to loosen the bread from the pan, remove and place on a cooling rack.
  13. It is really good to eat when still hot from the oven.
  14. Wait until fully cooled and then cut into desired sized pieces and freeze.

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