Pruning directories from find

I have no idea why, but for some reason I always have a hard time remembering the exact syntax for find when I want to prune some list of directories from a search.

Let’s say that you want to execute a find in a directory where there are a lot of .git directories and you don’t want to search through the guts of the repo directories. With the following command we specify the prune predicate ahead of the search for → Continue reading “Pruning directories from find”

Using cut with a delimiter of any amount of whitespace

The TLDR; is to first use tr to replace all occurrences of any horizontal whitespace character with a single space, and then squeeze down any number of spaces to a single space and then define the delimiter for cut as a single space. The following example assumes that you want to see from the 5th column to the end of the line.

<do-something-to-generate-input| tr '[:blank:]' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f5-

The → Continue reading “Using cut with a delimiter of any amount of whitespace”

Running GUI apps locally as root in a non-root session

There are instances when you need to run an X Window application. For me this is often running a terminator instance as root so that I can create tabs and split the window as still be root in each of those terminals.

In order for the root user to be able to connect to the X server you need to provide it with “credentials”. In this case it is on the same box and not over the network so the → Continue reading “Running GUI apps locally as root in a non-root session”

VS Code “Test result not found for:” When Running Tests for a Python Project [SOLVED]

I finally was able to get Visual Studio Code set-up correctly to run and debug unit and integration tests for a Python 3.8 project that I am working on (I’ll add a link to that post here once it is up).

After making some changes to the code and adding a test I got the following error when trying to debug the test:

Test result not found for: ./mylibs/integration_tests/

? An odd error message, to be sure.

After a little → Continue reading “VS Code “Test result not found for:” When Running Tests for a Python Project [SOLVED]”

List the Roles for a User or Service Account in a Specific GCP Project

If you do not have web console permissions to do so, but have the ability to activate a service account that has the viewer permissions or IAM permissons to list IAM roles in a given project, the following is how you can list the roles for a given user or service account.

gcloud projects get-iam-policy <gcp-project\
--filter="bindings.members:<email-address" \
--flatten="bindings[].members" --format="table(bindings.role)"
Continue reading “List the Roles for a User or Service Account in a Specific GCP Project”

Compiling Python Under Linux

The following should work with just about any version of Python. I am using it to compile, currently 3.10.x, on distros where those packages are not readily available for installation. The following is a quick how to on getting it compiled under both RedHat/CentOS/Almalinux and Debian based systems.

Download the Tarball for the Version You Want To Install

Download the tar.gz archive for the version that you want to install from here. Verify the download and then save the → Continue reading “Compiling Python Under Linux”

Using fc to Edit and Re-execute Bash Commands

I recently learned about the Bash built-in fc. It is a great tool that enables you to edit and re-execute commands from your bash history.

Oftentimes there is a command in your history that instead of just grepping through the history and then re-executing as-is you’ll want to make a modification or two. With fc you can first edit it in your favorite editor and then when closing the editor fc will execute the command.

For me, vim is my → Continue reading “Using fc to Edit and Re-execute Bash Commands”

Creating a Launch Config in VSCode to Debug a Python Invoke Script

I regularly use Python Invoke and Fabric for the automation of various tasks; from deploying code to developing my own set of tools for various projects. Following is an example on how to write a launch.json launch configuration for vscode so that you can step through the code and debug it.

Assuming that you have created a virtual environment and pip installed invoke into it. And, assuming that you have defined a task in your file as follows:→ Continue reading “Creating a Launch Config in VSCode to Debug a Python Invoke Script”