Internet Explorer Not Deleting Session Cookies

If you are trying to delete session cookies, those cookies with an expires or max-age value of -1 or no value set for that property, in Internet Explorer, you will probably notice that deleting them from the controls in the browser, does not actually delete them.

Evidently, the IE cookie implementation only writes persistent cookies to the file system and maintains the session cookies in RAM.  Moreover, when telling the browser to delete the cookies, it only deletes the cookies → Continue reading “Internet Explorer Not Deleting Session Cookies”

Use CookieSpy to View and Manage Internet Explorer 9 Cookies on Windows 7

I am doing some client-side testing of IE 9 on Windows 7 and need to be able to view cookies and their associated data.

The F12 developer tools is insufficient for this task as using the Cache/View cookie information selection only shows the cookies for the current domain that you are browsing in the current tab.

Moreover, when going to Internet Options, General Tab, clicking on the Settings button under ‘Browsing History’, and then clicking on the ‘View files’ or → Continue reading “Use CookieSpy to View and Manage Internet Explorer 9 Cookies on Windows 7”

Making Wrong Code Look Wrong, Or Another Way to Say Coding Conventions

I’m in the process of learning C/C++ and thought I’d see what the Internet had to say about C/C++ coding conventions.

In the process, I stumbled upon the Google C++ Style Guide, and a much better read, Making Wrong Code Look Wrong
by Joel Spolsky
.→ Continue reading “Making Wrong Code Look Wrong, Or Another Way to Say Coding Conventions”

Splitting a String into an Array with a Custom Delimiter in a Bash Shell Script

Most high level languages have some sort of String.split([delimiter]) method to create an array of Strings tokenized by a user specified delimiter.  This is a simple way to convert a CSV into an array.

Here is a quick way to do that in a bash shell script:


# Save the initial Interal Field Separator
# Set the IFS to a custom delimiter

read -a TOKENS <<< "${SOURCE_STRING}"
for i in "${TOKENS[@]}"
  echo "$i"

Continue reading “Splitting a String into an Array with a Custom Delimiter in a Bash Shell Script”