Go template that properly renders delimiters for a slice of structs

It is common to write go text/templates that range over a slice of objects to write out a list or array of items that are separated by some delimiter defined in the template.

In the case of a JSON array of objects, the cleanest output would be a , separating each object without a leading or trailing comma.

Because go template if statements are falsey in that a 0 value will evaluate to false you can write a template as → Continue reading “Go template that properly renders delimiters for a slice of structs”

Convert a Slice of Any Type to a CSV in Go

There are times, mostly for logging and debugging, when you have a slice of a given type that you would like to print to a log file or just convert to a CSV of values.

A quick and easy way to convert a slice to a CSV in Golang is to use the json module to Marshal it a JSON encoded array.

For example

package main

import (

func main() {
	ints := []int64{1, 2, 3, 
Continue reading “Convert a Slice of Any Type to a CSV in Go”

Specifying a commit in go.mod instead of a local replace for development

Sometimes you are making changes to a dependency in another of your go projects and instead of adding a replace command in the go.mod file you want to update that entry in go.mod to point to a specific commit in the repo.

To do so, all that you need to do is:

  1. Get the git commit that you want included in your build
  2. Change directories to the same directory that your project’s go.mod file resides in which you want to
Continue reading “Specifying a commit in go.mod instead of a local replace for development”

Implementing a Stack in Go

One of the key features in go is simplicity. As a result there are a number of utilities and data structures that are common in other high-level languages that do not come with the go stdlib.

One of them is a stack. Following is a very simple implementation of a stack that uses a slice to store the data.

The following is an implementation of a simple stack that takes any kind of pointer.

import "fmt"

type Stack[T any] struct 
Continue reading “Implementing a Stack in Go”

Code Coverage for Golang Integration Tests with Build Tags

I’ve been writing a lot of Golang code lately. For the most part, I always write unit and integration tests for whatever program that I am building. I’ve been using VSCode as my IDE and really like it. The one thing that I was having trouble with was getting the code coverage to show in the IDE for my integration tests.

I have a different build tag in my unit test code and my integration test code so that I → Continue reading “Code Coverage for Golang Integration Tests with Build Tags”

Configuring a Bitbucket Pipeline for a Golang Project with Privately Hosted Dependencies

Go’s dependency management is based solely on git repos. Most of the libraries have publicly available repos from which you can clone the source and then build your project.

In my case, most of the Go that I’m writing ends up in private repos in Bitbucket. Currently, I’ve got a program that I am writing that is dependent on a library that I have written that is hosted as a private repo in Bitbucket. I wanted to setup a Bitbucket → Continue reading “Configuring a Bitbucket Pipeline for a Golang Project with Privately Hosted Dependencies”