Yermo has recently found a number of sites/articles/resources regarding CSS frameworks and writing CSS in and OOP (object oriented programming) fashion:
→ Continue reading “CSS Frameworks”Category: Ryan’s Internet Technology, and Web Design Blog
Validate the HTML for an Entire Website
Here is an online tool that will enable you to validate the HTML for an entire website.
Very handy when doing SEO work. → Continue reading “Validate the HTML for an Entire Website”
Snow Leopard Upgrade Causing ‘Spinning Wheel Of Death’
Information Week has posted an article that indicates many people are having problems upgrading their Macs to Snow Leopard. It looks like Apple is trying to pull a Vista on it’s user base: release an update that isn’t ready and is going to make more headaches for users than solve problems. At the bottom of this article is a link to “100 Incompatible Mac Apps” for Snow Leopard (here is a link to the Wiki with → Continue reading “Snow Leopard Upgrade Causing ‘Spinning Wheel Of Death’”
Verizon Fios Availability Map
SEO: Root Domains, Subdomains vs. Subfolders and The Microsite Debate
The Canonical URL Tag and How it Helps Your SEO
Here is a great article on SEOmozBlog about the relatively new canonical URL tag that helps search engines know which pages should be treated as copies of other URLs on your site.
Not to be confused with duplicate content on different URLs of your site, this tag is to be used to indicate to the search engines which URLs generate multiple versions of the same page and to which URL the engines should apply all of the link and content → Continue reading “The Canonical URL Tag and How it Helps Your SEO”
SPF Testing Validation Tool
DNS Propagation Watcher/Notifier: DNSPinger
When we bring on a new client we typically point their domain to our nameservers and then wait until the DNS propagates to launch a new site.
Here is a look to a pretty cool tool that will keep an eye on a domain and send you an e-mail when the IP is updated. → Continue reading “DNS Propagation Watcher/Notifier: DNSPinger”
Subversion Quick Reference Card
Following is a link to a SVN cheat sheet.? It is also posted to this blog entry as an attachment should the page no longer be available.→ Continue reading “Subversion Quick Reference Card”