Quick HowTo Create a Subversion Repository

This assumes that you are creating the repo on your local drive.

First, create the directory in which you’ll store your repo.

Then, use svnadmin to create the repository in that directory:

svnadmin create /path/to/directory/

The typical convention is to set up an initial directory structure as follows:




To do so, do the following:

mkdir svntemp

cd svntemp

mkdir trunk branches tags

svn import -m ‘Import of initial directory structure’ file:///path/to/repo

Now cd to whatever working directory → Continue reading “Quick HowTo Create a Subversion Repository”

CSS Styling for the HTML Superscript Tag

Anyone who has used it knows that the default styling for the HTML <sup> tag leaves a lot to be desired.  The biggest is that it modifies the line-height of the line on which it it rendered.

Here is some CSS that fixes that behavior:

    height: 0;
    line-height: 1px;
    position: relative;
    top: -0.6em;
    vertical-align: baseline !important;
    vertical-align: bottom;
Continue reading “CSS Styling for the HTML Superscript Tag”

How to search for a string in a group of text files from the Linux command line

If you have ever wanted to recursively search through all of the files in a directory for a specific string, here is the bash command to do it:

find . | xargs grep ‘string’ -slContinue reading “How to search for a string in a group of text files from the Linux command line”

How to ignore a file for inclusion in an SVN repository

Here is a link to a great article that explains how to set your SVN repository to ignore a file, or collection of files.

Below is the mirrored content should the page no longer be available.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#      Ignore all the .txt files in the /trunk/Blah/ directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Go to the directory
cd trunk/Blah/              # The directory with the files

# Start editing the properties for the current directory
svn propedit svn:ignore .   # Opens an editor 
Continue reading “How to ignore a file for inclusion in an SVN repository”

How to shutdown a Windows XP machine when logged in remotely

If you have ever used a workstation whereby you login through remote access, you’ll notice that you cannot shut down the machine (even if you are able to boot it remotely).

If you want to shut it down simply run the following command at a command prompt:

%systemroot%system32shutdown.exe -s -t 0Continue reading “How to shutdown a Windows XP machine when logged in remotely”