Associating Eclipse .launch Files with the Eclipse XML Editor

  1. Open the Preference dialog and go to General/Editors/File Association.  Add a new file type with the *.launch suffix.  In the ‘Associated Editors’ box below, click on Add and assign the XML editor to the file type.
  2. In the Preferences dialog go to General/Appearance/Content Types.  Click on the + next to Text.  Click on ‘XML’ in the tree so that it is highlighted.  Click ‘Add’ in the box below and add the *.launch suffix
Continue reading “Associating Eclipse .launch Files with the Eclipse XML Editor”

Some Handy Eclipse Preferences

Changing the color of the block that get’s displayed in the right-hand side-bar when an occurance of a variable, field, or method is selected:
Eclipse > Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Occurrences > Color

Alias package names in the Package Explorer: Window > Preferences > Java > Appearance > [] Abbreviate package names→ Continue reading “Some Handy Eclipse Preferences”

Couldn’t sign in. There was a problem communicating with google servers. Try again later Error On Nexus 7 Tablet

A couple of months ago I stopped being able to purchase anything through the Google Play Store on my Nexus 7 Android device.  There were a number of different errors that were displayed:

General error messages:

  • Couldn’t sign in. There was a problem communicating with google servers.  Try again later.

From the Google Play app:

  • “Authentication is required.  You need to sign into your Google Account.” 

I tried everything:

  • Re-installing Play
  • Dumping the cache and disabling and re-enabling Play
  • Doing
Continue reading “Couldn’t sign in. There was a problem communicating with google servers. Try again later Error On Nexus 7 Tablet”

Importing Maven Project from a Cloned Git Project into Eclipse Juno SR2 with m2e

I was having some funky issues with Eclipse and m2e not properly reading the pom.xml and setting up the .classpath properly when importing an existing Maven project into Eclipse from a cloned git repo.

When I did the following:

  • Go to File/Import/Maven/Existing Maven Projects
  • Chose the root dir of the the existing directory

I got the following error:

An internal error occurred during: “Updating Maven Project”.
Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

Initially, I solved it with a series of back-and-forth commands in → Continue reading “Importing Maven Project from a Cloned Git Project into Eclipse Juno SR2 with m2e”

Fixing Compile Error: undefined reference to ‘dclose’ (dlopen, dlsym, and/or dlerror)

I am running an Ubuntu 12.10 machine and I had to compile and install a jsvc binary for an older version that I didn’t have a package that I could install via dpkg or apt-get install.

Running configure came off without a hitch.

Running make resulted in the following error:

gcc -ldl -lpthread jsvc-unix.o libservice.a -o ../jsvc
libservice.a(dso-dlfcn.o): In function `dso_unlink’:
/usr/local/src/daemon-1.0.1/src/native/unix/native/dso-dlfcn.c:41: undefined reference to `dlclose’
libservice.a(dso-dlfcn.o): In function `dso_link’:
/usr/local/src/daemon-1.0.1/src/native/unix/native/dso-dlfcn.c:36: undefined reference to `dlopen’
libservice.a(dso-dlfcn.o): In function `dso_symbol’:
Continue reading “Fixing Compile Error: undefined reference to ‘dclose’ (dlopen, dlsym, and/or dlerror)”

Configuring the Number of Workspaces on Ubuntu 12.10

I typically like to have more than 4 workspaces for my X Windows sessions.

Under Ubuntu 12.10 there is a little trickey involved in updating the default configuration.

First you need to install the compizconfig-settings-manager.  This will enable you to configure the workspace switcher and some other system configs.  Be careful, this will also allow you to break things so only configure what you understand via compizconfig-settings-manager.

Install ccsm:

  • # apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

To run invoke (as root):

  • # ccsm
Continue reading “Configuring the Number of Workspaces on Ubuntu 12.10”

Running a Headless Virtual Machine under VMPlayer

If you want to run a headless VM under VMPlayer simply add the following to your vmware preferences file ($HOME/.vmware/preferences):

pref.vmplayer.exit.vmAction = “disconnect”

Restart VMPlayer and fire up your VM.  When you quit that VMPlayer instance it will ask you if you are sure that you want to quit and leave the virtual machine running.

When you quit the player the VM will now be running headless.→ Continue reading “Running a Headless Virtual Machine under VMPlayer”

Preventing resolv.conf From Being Automatically Overwritten with Each Restart or network restart

I am running CentoOS 6.3 and have set up a local nameserver.  As a result, I’ve customized my version of /etc/resolv.conf to include both the IP of my local nameserver as well as a domain and search configuration directives.

When I restarted the machine, or if I restarted networking resolv.conf was overwritten.

It turns out that the contents of the ifcfg-ethN files determine how the network scripts behave and how, or if resolv.conf is modified programatically.

To prevent this make → Continue reading “Preventing resolv.conf From Being Automatically Overwritten with Each Restart or network restart”