Showing Hidden Files and Folders Under Mac OSX

By default the Mac hides a number of different Folder as well as any file or folder that starts with a “.” character.

To show all of these files/folders in the Finder open a terminal and enter teh following commands:

$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

$ killall Finder

The Finder should restart and you should be able to see all of the files and folders on the machine.→ Continue reading “Showing Hidden Files and Folders Under Mac OSX”

Do Not Use Symlinks in Jetty’s webapps Directory

I set up a development instance of Jetty on my local machine and have been happily coding, compiling and deploying via a shell script.  The script copies the war from my user’s target directory to the jetty users’s home dir changes the permissions and then moves it to the /webapp dir creating a symlink to the name of the .war that is referenced in a number of config files.

This was working just fine until I did a merge with → Continue reading “Do Not Use Symlinks in Jetty’s webapps Directory”

Getting Markdown Viewer To Display HTML Formatted Markdown Content in Firefox Under Linux

I recently installed the Markdown Viewer 1.3 in Firefox 23.0 under Fedora Core  18.  When I went to open a .md file in the browser it prompted me to download it.

To configure Firefox to display the markdown in the browser do the following:

Edit the ~/.mozilla/firefox/*default/mimeTypes.rdf file.

If there is not yet an existing RDF node for ‘text/plain’ add it, and add “md” as a file extension.

<RDF:Description RDF:about=”urn:mimetype:text/plain”
        NC:description=”Text Document”>
    <NC:handlerProp RDF:resource=”urn:mimetype:handler:text/plain”/>
Continue reading “Getting Markdown Viewer To Display HTML Formatted Markdown Content in Firefox Under Linux”

Internet Explorer Not Deleting Session Cookies

If you are trying to delete session cookies, those cookies with an expires or max-age value of -1 or no value set for that property, in Internet Explorer, you will probably notice that deleting them from the controls in the browser, does not actually delete them.

Evidently, the IE cookie implementation only writes persistent cookies to the file system and maintains the session cookies in RAM.  Moreover, when telling the browser to delete the cookies, it only deletes the cookies → Continue reading “Internet Explorer Not Deleting Session Cookies”

Use CookieSpy to View and Manage Internet Explorer 9 Cookies on Windows 7

I am doing some client-side testing of IE 9 on Windows 7 and need to be able to view cookies and their associated data.

The F12 developer tools is insufficient for this task as using the Cache/View cookie information selection only shows the cookies for the current domain that you are browsing in the current tab.

Moreover, when going to Internet Options, General Tab, clicking on the Settings button under ‘Browsing History’, and then clicking on the ‘View files’ or → Continue reading “Use CookieSpy to View and Manage Internet Explorer 9 Cookies on Windows 7”

Making Wrong Code Look Wrong, Or Another Way to Say Coding Conventions

I’m in the process of learning C/C++ and thought I’d see what the Internet had to say about C/C++ coding conventions.

In the process, I stumbled upon the Google C++ Style Guide, and a much better read, Making Wrong Code Look Wrong
by Joel Spolsky
.→ Continue reading “Making Wrong Code Look Wrong, Or Another Way to Say Coding Conventions”

How to Boot a WinXP Virtual Box Guest to Safe Mode

With the XP guest running, go to Start/Run and type ‘msconfig’ and then press enter.

Then click on the BOOT.ini tab, and select the /SAFEBOOT checkbox.  Then save and restart.

Once you are done, uncheck the box and reboot.→ Continue reading “How to Boot a WinXP Virtual Box Guest to Safe Mode”

Automate the Download of Windows VMs for Testing IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10 and IE11 with ievms

I am working on some client-side Javascript and I need to be able to test it in all of the currently extant versions of Internet Explorer.  A collegue of mine pointed me to the ievms project by Greg Thornton (xdissent) that automates the download of multiple Windows vms provided by Microsoft to facilitate testing in multiple versions of IE.

To get it working under Fedora (RedHad, CentOS):

   . The script requires unar but is not readily available for FC18.  → Continue reading “Automate the Download of Windows VMs for Testing IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10 and IE11 with ievms”

Services That Can Be Turned Off in a CentOS 6, Minimal Server

Following is a list of services that can (for most applications) be turned off if you are setting up a bare-bones CentOS 6.4 server:

Automatic bug reporting services:

Power control and features, query battery and config status

Controls ‘at’ command queing, examining, or deleting jobs for later execution.  Anything atd can do, cron can do

File auditing

Auto fs mounting


For desktop environments:

Network filesystems:

MTA→ Continue reading “Services That Can Be Turned Off in a CentOS 6, Minimal Server”

Setting Up Passwordless SSH Under CentOS 6 Running Selinux

I am setting up a cluster of KVM virtual machines and want to be able to ssh to them as the root user on the vm without having to enter a password.

The first thing that I did was create keys on the box from which I was going to make connections (A):

[rchapin@A .ssh]$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/usr/local2/home/rchapin/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Continue reading “Setting Up Passwordless SSH Under CentOS 6 Running Selinux”