Accessing JSON Data Under IE7

Given the following JSON object:

var var_affectedAreas = {
? ? ‘areaCount’ : 6,
? ? ‘areasList’: [
? ? ? {‘enum’: ‘FILE’, ‘val’: ‘F’},
? ? ? {‘enum’: ‘REGISTRY’, ‘val’: ‘R’},
? ? ? {‘enum’: ‘PROCESS’, ‘val’: ‘P’},
? ? ? {‘enum’: ‘MEMORY’, ‘val’: ‘M’},
? ? ? {‘enum’: ‘NETWORK’, ‘val’: ‘N’},
? ? ? {‘enum’: ‘OTHER’, ‘val’: ‘O’}
? ? ]

You would think (and rightly so, at least under Firefox) that you would be able to → Continue reading “Accessing JSON Data Under IE7”

Setting up Cygwin, Linux Command Line, on a Windows Box

For all of you Linux (and Unix) users who are used to the Linux command line there is an application called Cygwin. Not only does it allow you to use the familiar command line commands but it also includes the ability to execute bash and csh shell scripts on a Windows machine.

When installing it, here are a few additional packages you’ll probably want to include:

vim, ncurses, tcsh

Simply type them into the search field and then check off → Continue reading “Setting up Cygwin, Linux Command Line, on a Windows Box”

Applying Order to JSON Data When Rendering to a Page

It is very convenient to pass JSON data from client to server and between different server-side components. However, JSON data is an inherently unordered data structure and in many cases a developer will want to render a list of items in some specified order.

One way that I found to do so is to append an integer to the keys in your data when generating the JSON data. For example, you might be iterating through a database result set and → Continue reading “Applying Order to JSON Data When Rendering to a Page”

Opening a New Window From a Web Page with Javascript that is SEO Friendly

The days of <a href=”#” target=”_blank”></a> are long gone. The way to open a new window with a link is to do it using the javascript method via an onclick callback.

However, you still want to make your pages SEO friendly, so you don’t want to go about generating links with href=”#”. The way to do it is as follows:



function openNewWindow(url) {;




<a href=”someURL.html” onclick=”openNewWindow(‘someUrl.html’);return false;”>Link</a>

When implementing links this way, → Continue reading “Opening a New Window From a Web Page with Javascript that is SEO Friendly”

Using bash Shell to Rename Files With Spaces

The following is a shell command that you can use to rename any file that contains spaces. Without the quotes surrounding the $file reference and the echo command it will fail.

In this example, we rename anything that is .htm to .html

for file in *.htm ; do mv “$file” “`echo “$file” | sed ‘s/\(.*\.\)htm/\1html/’`” ; doneContinue reading “Using bash Shell to Rename Files With Spaces”

java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException When Attempting to Invoke a Remote Method on an EJB Singleton Instance

I am building an EJB Singleton that generates and maintains data that I want accessible to multple clients. Since the data is not based on any client interaction but based on the status of a single server-side application I went with an EJB Singleton.

When attempting to invoke a method via the Remote interface on the bean instance from a servlet in a separate .war which was returning a LinkedList of a custom Object that I wrote, I was getting → Continue reading “java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException When Attempting to Invoke a Remote Method on an EJB Singleton Instance”

Updating the URL of a Subversion Repository in a Currently Checked Out Copy of Your Repository

Let’s say you have a server who’s IP address or domain name changes on which you have a Subversion repository. Furthermore, you have checked out the copy over an ssh connection using svn+ssh.

If you have checked-out copies of your repo, and the path to the repo on the file system hasn’t changed, but only the IP or domain name has changed you need to issue the following command in the root of your checked out copy:

svn switch –relocate Continue reading “Updating the URL of a Subversion Repository in a Currently Checked Out Copy of Your Repository”

Setting the Screen Resolution of a Linux Guest in VMWare vSphere Client

I am currently working with virtual machines via Vmware vSphere on a Windows 2008 server. Initially I was unable to get the guest to render full screen and did not have all of the screen resolutions that I would have thought I should. What I was trying to do was have the guest Linux (in this case RedHat Enterprise Linux 6) run full-screen. It was not as straight forward as setting the screen resolution in the VM guest settings dialog.→ Continue reading “Setting the Screen Resolution of a Linux Guest in VMWare vSphere Client”

Import javax.ejb cannot be resolved Error in Eclipse Helios

If you have installed the latest and greatest JBossAS tools into eclipse, try using the following version instead:


It seems as though there are some problems with the latest and greatest that causes compilation problems. → Continue reading “Import javax.ejb cannot be resolved Error in Eclipse Helios”