Interesting Article Regarding "Freedom" of the Operating Systems on Maemo vs. Android

An article that discusses the level of freedom (User Access Rights, Cooperation and Interoperability, Presence of Closed Source Software, and Freedom in Practic) between Maemo and Android.→ Continue reading “Interesting Article Regarding "Freedom" of the Operating Systems on Maemo vs. Android”

Marketing Book Review: Purple Cow by Seth Godin

I recently finished reading Seth Godin’s Purple Cow, Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable and would strongly suggest that any business owner, manager, C-Level executive, or marketer read it.

His main thesis is that the marketing paradigm has changed and that instead of trying to market to a broad audience with traditional methods you must position, or change, your brand or company so that it highlights something that is remarkable and targets a very specific niche of early adopters. And → Continue reading “Marketing Book Review: Purple Cow by Seth Godin”

On WYSIWYIG HTML Editors and the jQuery.UI web user interface toolkit.

Building advanced web applications and frameworks often involves getting incompatible pieces from various projects to work together cohesively inside a majority of browsers. The more advanced the functionality, the more of a problem this becomes especially when you’re trying to support older and very broken browsers such as MSIE 6.0.

At the present moment, I’m involved in building a substantial ecommerce project with a desktop style interface that includes popup dialogs, drag and drop lists, multiple tabbed interfaces among other → Continue reading “On WYSIWYIG HTML Editors and the jQuery.UI web user interface toolkit.”

Two Great Lists and Reviews of Flash and Javascript Charting Packages

What follows are links to two different blog articles by Steve Reynolds about both Flash and Javascript packages. The coolest looking package, not just charts is the Raphael Javascript library.

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Open Source Flash Charting Package: Open Flash Chart

ofc_logo.pngWe have a client that is in need of some dynamic Flash charts. After some googling I came accross the Open Flash Chart project. It seems to be an active project with a decent following. Moreover, there are a number of other commercial products out there that are using the LGPL licensed code.

It looks to be a fairly mature code base that provides an enormous amount of customization without editing any ActionScript code or recompiling any .swf files. → Continue reading “Open Source Flash Charting Package: Open Flash Chart”

How to Pick a Domain Name

A domain name is an alphanumeric string of characters that identifies individual websites and e-mail addresses on the Internet. It must be less than 63 characters in length, not including the characters in the TLD (Top Level Domain) suffix (.com, .net, etc.). A TLD suffix is a part of all domain names and indicates the type of organization for a given domain. Following is a list of common TLDs:

  • com: commercial businesses
  • net: organizations involved with Internet infrastructure (ISPs
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