Here is a great resource for free CSS templates and web site designs. Based on the licensing information on the site, it seems as though they are all either GPL/GNU or Creative Commons.→ Continue reading “Free CSS Template Resource”
Two Great Lists and Reviews of Flash and Javascript Charting Packages
What follows are links to two different blog articles by Steve Reynolds about both Flash and Javascript packages. The coolest looking package, not just charts is the Raphael Javascript library.
→ Continue reading “Two Great Lists and Reviews of Flash and Javascript Charting Packages”Open Source Flash Charting Package: Open Flash Chart
We have a client that is in need of some dynamic Flash charts. After some googling I came accross the Open Flash Chart project. It seems to be an active project with a decent following. Moreover, there are a number of other commercial products out there that are using the LGPL licensed code.
It looks to be a fairly mature code base that provides an enormous amount of customization without editing any ActionScript code or recompiling any .swf files. → Continue reading “Open Source Flash Charting Package: Open Flash Chart”
CSS Frameworks
Yermo has recently found a number of sites/articles/resources regarding CSS frameworks and writing CSS in and OOP (object oriented programming) fashion:
→ Continue reading “CSS Frameworks”How to Acquire an Expiring/Expired Domain
Validate the HTML for an Entire Website
Here is an online tool that will enable you to validate the HTML for an entire website.
Very handy when doing SEO work. → Continue reading “Validate the HTML for an Entire Website”
How to Pick a Domain Name
A domain name is an alphanumeric string of characters that identifies individual websites and e-mail addresses on the Internet. It must be less than 63 characters in length, not including the characters in the TLD (Top Level Domain) suffix (.com, .net, etc.). A TLD suffix is a part of all domain names and indicates the type of organization for a given domain. Following is a list of common TLDs:
- com: commercial businesses
- net: organizations involved with Internet infrastructure (ISPs
Snow Leopard Upgrade Causing ‘Spinning Wheel Of Death’
Information Week has posted an article that indicates many people are having problems upgrading their Macs to Snow Leopard. It looks like Apple is trying to pull a Vista on it’s user base: release an update that isn’t ready and is going to make more headaches for users than solve problems. At the bottom of this article is a link to “100 Incompatible Mac Apps” for Snow Leopard (here is a link to the Wiki with → Continue reading “Snow Leopard Upgrade Causing ‘Spinning Wheel Of Death’”