How to shutdown a Windows XP machine when logged in remotely

If you have ever used a workstation whereby you login through remote access, you’ll notice that you cannot shut down the machine (even if you are able to boot it remotely).

If you want to shut it down simply run the following command at a command prompt:

%systemroot%system32shutdown.exe -s -t 0Continue reading “How to shutdown a Windows XP machine when logged in remotely”

ASP .NET Script to Render Selected and Unselected Links Depending on Which Page You are Viewing

Attached is a .zip file that contains the source code and a set of example web pages that will allow you to dynamically render links (or any html tag for that matter) with one of two classes depending on which page you are viewing

It gives you the ability to render nav bars that display items as selected and unselected.→ Continue reading “ASP .NET Script to Render Selected and Unselected Links Depending on Which Page You are Viewing”

Why does the overflow: auto setting on a div nested in a table cell not render the scroll bars properly in IE 6, IE 7, and Firefox 2 and Firefox 3?

If you have ever seen Firefox 2 and 3, IE 6 and/or IE 7 render the scroll bars on a div that has the overflow: auto property set what follows is a full description of the problem and a solution.

Click here for said solution.Continue reading “Why does the overflow: auto setting on a div nested in a table cell not render the scroll bars properly in IE 6, IE 7, and Firefox 2 and Firefox 3?”

Disabling Sticky Keys under Kubuntu 8.04

I run a number of VMWare virtual machine instances on my Linux host and in one of them I do a lot of Photoshop work.  This involves a lot of holding down the Shift key, which with the default installation of Kubuntu 8.04 enables the sticky keys and slow keys accessibility options.

To turn this off, go to System Settings/Accessibility and click on the "Activation Gestures" tab.  Then uncheck the "Use gestures for activating sticky keys and slow keys".

Click → Continue reading “Disabling Sticky Keys under Kubuntu 8.04”

Creating a Skip Navigation Link That is Only Visible When it Receives Keyboard Focus

Adding a "Skip Nav" link to your design can sometimes compromise the look and feel of the page.  Moreover it can confuse those visitors who have no idea what it means.

A good solution is to create a Skip Nav link that is only visible when it receives keyboard focus.  This happens as a user is tabbing through the page.

To do so, use the following styles and markup:


#skip a,
#skip a:hover,
#skip a:visited
    position:absolute;→ Continue reading “Creating a Skip Navigation Link That is Only Visible When it Receives Keyboard Focus”

Color Palette Pickers

Here are a couple of cool websites for picking and generating color palettes:

Continue reading “Color Palette Pickers”

How to Set Up Your Website to Weather the Recession and Play the Internet Attrition Game

There are many businesses that are seeing their sales diminish and are realizing that they are going to have to cut costs to survive.  There are some businesses that wont make it and they and their websites will simply go away.

If your business is contracting and you need to batten down the hatches what should you do to survive the lean times that also helps you gain a better position for when things start to turn around. The number Continue reading “How to Set Up Your Website to Weather the Recession and Play the Internet Attrition Game”

Does Safari under Windows Render Pages Diferently than Safari Under Mac OS X?

The following is a set of composite screen shots that were generated to
answer the question: "Does Safari on Windows render pages the same way
that it renders pages on the Mac?".

My conclusion is that it does.

Click here to see the composite screen shots.

What I did was to take a screen shot of exactly the same web
page on a Windows XP machine running Safari 3.2.2 and a Mac running
3.2.1. I used pages that I knew → Continue reading “Does Safari under Windows Render Pages Diferently than Safari Under Mac OS X?”