Creating MovieClips with Button States in AS 2.0

Here is a quick tutorial on how to create MovieClips that act like buttons using ActionScript 2.0.  Attached is a sample .fla file with a complete, working example.

  1. Create a new Flash document for AS 2.0
  2. Create whatever graphic/shape that you would like and convert it to a symbol.  Double click on on it with the selection tool, and then press F8 to open the create symbol dialog box, or right click on it and select "Create Symbol".  Make sure
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Doing a Little Something to your Site is Better than Doing Nothing

Recently, I have gotten back into roadracing motorcycles after a 7 year hiatus (here are some photos that Yermo took this past weekend, 2008-09-20).  Before the weekend, I had to get some minor repairs done to my leathers.  I called and talked to Connie at Vanson (the company that made the leathers) and they asked me the last time that I’d given them a cleaning.  I had to admit that it had been quite a long time.  A full-on → Continue reading “Doing a Little Something to your Site is Better than Doing Nothing”

An Open Letter to

I am just as much progressive as everyone of the hard-working people at and am doing what I can to help elect Obama.

However, I think that MoveOn might make a bigger impact if you learned from the masters, and by that I mean the Republicans.

I’ve seen a number of recent e-mails lamenting the horrible ads and slander of the McCain campaign that beg the membership to donate so that the truth can be told.

With all due → Continue reading “An Open Letter to”

How to Reorganize Your Website Without Reducing Your Traffic

Nobody keeps the same website forever.
  Websites get redesigned and on a regular basis.  Websites also need their content updated or reorganized to keep up with a growing business or organization.

When you change the structure of your site (move pages, rename them, or delete them altogether) you could be losing valuable traffic and costing your business or organization signups, purchases, or more.

One of the primary ways that a site generates traffic is from people clicking on links
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Creating a Mac/PC Hybrid CD-Rom with Roxio Toast

The following is a quick tutorial on how to create a hybrid CD under Mac OS X.
Using Toast, you can fairly easily create a hybrid CD with which the Mac OS will only see Mac specific files and the PC OS will only see the PC specific files.  This preserves the Mac resource fork and icon data as well as the PC icon data.

  1. Create a disk image into which you will place all of your Mac OS files.
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Using FlashPaper .swf files in ActionScript 2.0

Macromedia Studio 8 shipped with Macromedia FlashPaper 2.0, a pretty cool app that will take PDF and other documents and convert them into .swf files that you can load into other flash/swf applications.

The following is a quick tutorial on how to load FlashPaper swf files into Flash applications in ActionScript 2.0.

This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of FlashPaper 2.0 and have a usable FlashPaper .swf file.

Essentially, you will include an ActionScript file that will provide → Continue reading “Using FlashPaper .swf files in ActionScript 2.0”

The Nuts and Bolts of Domain Name Ownership

That’s not to say that the proper care and feeding of a domain is overly complex. But before we get into the those details let’s go over some core domain related terminology:

  • IP Address:  A unique numerical address for a server that hosts any Internet service.
  • DNS: Which stands for “Domain Name System.” The primary purpose of DNS is to make it easy for people to access web pages and send e-mails.  DNS translates a given domain name into the
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5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Legal Checkup Now!

This month we welcome a guest contributor, Chip Cooper, a leading information technology, software, and Internet attorney with over 25+ years in practice.  Chip operates, a cost-effective, online contract drafting service for drafting website legal compliance contracts featuring “do-it-myself” and “do-it-for-me” options.

It’s extremely important for website businesses to stay on top of new legal risks, as well as new opportunities, as they develop.  So, I highly recommend that you sign up for Chip’s FREE newsletter, Website Law Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Legal Checkup Now!”

NSIS Installer Maker and the HM NIS Edit IDE

The NullSoft Scriptable Installer System is a great open source package for building Windows installers.  Recently I found an open source editor/IDE package that makes putting these things together a real snap!

First download the NSIS package and install.  Then download and install HM NIS Edit and you should be all set.→ Continue reading “NSIS Installer Maker and the HM NIS Edit IDE”