Building Value in the Internet Age

In age where it’s easy to copy anything that can be put on the Internet, how do you build and maintain value in intellectual property that is perceived as something that should be free?

Here is an excellent article by Kevin Kelly and articulates this new paradigm.→ Continue reading “Building Value in the Internet Age”

Embedding Flash with Valid Markup

Anyone who has tried to W3C validate a page with the default output from Flash knows you get a slew of errors.

Here’s a great article on modifying your <object> and <embed> tags so that your pages will validate.

Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards by Drew McLellan

Here’s a quick example that you can run with that includes the markup for a transparent background:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="368" height="201" data="icms_art/nbir5.hdr.anim.swf">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
Continue reading “Embedding Flash with Valid Markup”

Mounting Logical Volumes Under Linux

Let’s say you have a disk that you want to put in an external USB enclosure, mount and read some files.  What if it’s a boot disk that uses LVM?  What if you have two LVM groups with the same name?

Here’s a quick how-to on mounting just this type of LVM volumes from a USB disk.

When you first attach your disk in it’s USB enclosure you should be able to see which device it is associated with by → Continue reading “Mounting Logical Volumes Under Linux”

A Changing Political Lanscape Requires a Different Tune

Well, since Edwards has dropped out of the race and now it’s between Obama and Clinton, I’m changing my tune.

Obama is our best bet for a win, as a result I’m supporting him as the nominee.

Why? Hillary can’t win a general election and here are what I think are the reasons why:

  • There are many people who will cast a vote against her vs. for McCain
  • If she is the nominee it will galvanize the Republicans behind
Continue reading “A Changing Political Lanscape Requires a Different Tune”

“Under Construction” means “I’ll never get to it”

When people see a website with an “Under Construction” or similar message it typically translates to “This site will never be updated, don’t bother coming back”.

A much better approach is to publish whatever content you have, and add to it later.
There are two main reasons why the “Under Construction” message has turned into the kiss of death for a website:

  • It’s so over used
  • and in many cases that message will sit on a website for
Continue reading ““Under Construction” means “I’ll never get to it””

Kerry’s Trying to Screw Things Up . . . Again

Dear Mr. Kerry,

It wasn’t bad enough that you choked on defending yourself from Bush’s swift-boating and your huge gaff just before the ’06 election, now you are supporting Obama?

Dude, please, for the good of the country, just go home and keep your mouth shut.

The Democrats best bet for a win in ’08 is Edwards and you seem to have turned your back on him.

Hopefully, your reputation will help pull Obama out of the top tier and → Continue reading “Kerry’s Trying to Screw Things Up . . . Again”

A Quick How-To on Installing IIS and .NET under Windows XP Pro

I’ve got a client that needs a site with a simple navigational program to be hosted under IIS with ASP.NET.

So, I put together IIS on a VMWare XP install and here’s the quick how-to:
1. Go to Add/Remove programs
2. Put the WinXP Pro install CD in the machine.
3. Click on Add/Remove Windows Components and click on the check box next to Internet Information Services (IIS)
4. After installation you should be able to open up a browser → Continue reading “A Quick How-To on Installing IIS and .NET under Windows XP Pro”

Dynamically Instantiating New Objects in ActionScript 3.0

Let’s say you are building an application and want to be able to dynamically instantiate new objects in AS 3.0 (Flash CS3)?

Read on for the answer . . .

The syntax for doing this has drastically changed from AS 2.0, however there is still one gotcha that remains the same.

In my case, I’m not only dynamically instantiating class names, but also their reference names.

Here’s how I figured out how to do it:

// Import the getDefinitionByName util Continue reading “Dynamically Instantiating New Objects in ActionScript 3.0”

Web Design Safe Areas for Common Screen Resolutions

When you are designing a website one of the first things that you have to decide is the screen resolution that your audience will be using.  There are still plenty of people out there using 1024×768 or, in some cases, smaller resolutions.

800×600 monitors: 760×410
1024×768 monitors: 960×575

Continue reading “Web Design Safe Areas for Common Screen Resolutions”