Using svn over ssh on Windows to access a Subversion repository

First I downloaded and installed a windows binary of subversion, so that I would have the svn client executables.

I went the extra step and set up ssh keys between the widows client and the server so that I could svn without having to enter a password each time.  To so so:

  • Download plink.exe, pageant.exe, and puttygen.exe from the Putty website.
  • Run puttygen.exe to generate a private and public key.
  • After the key has been generated, click on
Continue reading “Using svn over ssh on Windows to access a Subversion repository”

Using FlashVars with ActionScript 3.0

I’m working on a video component in AS 3.0 that takes the location of a dynamically generated xml file and passes it to a SWF via FlashVars.

3.0 deals with FlashVars and query string variables much differently than 2.0.

Here’s an article that’ll get you going in the right direction.Continue reading “Using FlashVars with ActionScript 3.0”

Creating Dynamic Scrolling Text Boxes with Flash CS3

Here’s a quick how to for creating dynamic scrolling text boxes in flash.  (This also works with Flash 8, Flash MX, and Flash MX 2004.)
Let’s say that you would like to have a text box in your flash movie and that you will be loading arbitrary amounts of text data into it.  You can set it up so that no matter how much text you add to the text instance you will have the scroll bar controls dynamically update → Continue reading “Creating Dynamic Scrolling Text Boxes with Flash CS3”

Integrating Thunderbird and Firefox Under Linux

Here’s a quick how-to on getting Firefox to start new mail messages with Thunderbird and getting Thunderbird to open links in Firefox under Linux.

For Thunderbird:
All you need to do is edit the prefs.js file in your .mozilla-thunderbird/blahblah.defaults/ (or similarly named) directory.  Add the following (specifying your path to Firefox):
user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox" );
user_pref("", "/usr/bin/firefox" );

For Firefox:
Edit the prefs.js file in your .mozilla/firefox/blahblah.defaults/ directory.  Add the following:

Continue reading “Integrating Thunderbird and Firefox Under Linux”

An Excellent Tutorial on How to Create Custom Components with Action Script 2.0

Flash MX and MX 2004 include the v2 Flash component architecture and enable you to develop your own custom components.

Here’s an excellent article that goes through, step-by-step, on how to write your own class files, component movie clips and export to .swc.

Creating Components with Flash MX 2004

by Joey Lott (

Don’t let the idea of writing a custom component intimidate
you. Although components may appear very complex, they are really just fancy
movie clips. You → Continue reading “An Excellent Tutorial on How to Create Custom Components with Action Script 2.0”

Thunderbird not able to save to Sent or Drafts folder with an IMAP account

I’m migrating my workstation to CentOS 5.  I’ve decided it’s time to retire my old Mozilla suite install and upgrade to the latest of Firefox and Thunderbird.

If you are using an IMAP account, Thunderbird has an annoying bug whereby it hangs when attempting to copy a sent message to the Sent, or Drafts folder on the server.

Click on the Read More link for the fix . . . 
After quite a bit of searching and trial and error → Continue reading “Thunderbird not able to save to Sent or Drafts folder with an IMAP account”

Mysterious Yellow Form Fields

If you have ever noticed mysterious yellow form fields on websites, or in my case, had a client call and wonder why there are random yellow form fields on a site that you designed when you know you didn’t design it that way, this article should help.

It’s the Google Tool bar in IE, and there is an elegant fix for it that allows you to either disable completely the highlighted fields or customize them and display a special message → Continue reading “Mysterious Yellow Form Fields”

Flash CS3: Enabling Type Annotation Warnings for Compile-Time Checking

Most ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 programmers type all variables in their code.

In CS3, to enable the type checking during compilation you must do the following:

  1. Using a text editor open the following file in the Flash CS3 installation folder: /en/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0/EnabledWarnings.xml
  2. Locate the following line: <warning id="1008" enabled="false" label="kWarning_NoTypeDecl">Missing type declaration.</warning>
  3. Change enabled="false" to enabled="true"
  4. Save the file

Attached is the updated configuration file→ Continue reading “Flash CS3: Enabling Type Annotation Warnings for Compile-Time Checking”

Famous Hacker Says, “Don’t use Interenet Explorer”

Jonathan "c0mrade" James, famous for hacking into Pentagon and NASA computers at age 15 gave an interview with PC magazine and was asked about the most preventable security holes that he has seen.  He said that un-patched software was at the top of the list, "and don’t use Internet Explorer".

IE is notorious for opening up computers for numerous browser based attacks.  Looks like c0mrade knows all about them.  IMHO, I’d say, use Firefox.

Read the full article.
Continue reading “Famous Hacker Says, “Don’t use Interenet Explorer””