Getting Started with ActionScript 3.0 in Adobe Flash CS3

A great article by Senocular.  Certainly required if you are looking to make the jump from AS 2.0 to AS 3.0.

It does look like any code that you have in 2.0 is going to be completely obsolete and require a complete rewrite.→ Continue reading “Getting Started with ActionScript 3.0 in Adobe Flash CS3”

Chocolate does it again, and this time without sugar

Chocolate does it again, and this time without sugar
iTWire – 1 hour ago
William Atkins. Chocoholic researchers find that unsweetened cocoa
improves blood vessels, which is a good indicator of a healthy heart.

Dark Chocolate May Lighten the Load on Arteries Forbes
Eat chocolate for good arteries! Zee News
Los Angeles Times – PRESS TV – Reuters – Arizona Daily Star
all 28 news articles ?Continue reading “Chocolate does it again, and this time without sugar”

The 1984 Apple/Hillary video heralds an interesting shift in political messaging

A video posted on YouTube spoofing a apple ad from 1984 featuring Hillary Clinton as Big Brother seems to herald the end on an age when politicians had control over their message. reading “The 1984 Apple/Hillary video heralds an interesting shift in political messaging”

Is McDonald’s Ad Campaign Going Subliminal?

Someone recently noticed a single frame McDonalds ad inserted into an Iron Chef America episode on the Food Network. The Food Network execs claim that it was a glitch. Interestingly enough Clear Channel Entertainment has started running 1 second radio ads called blinks and the client used to demo the product was McDonalds. It seems plausible that McDonalds might be rolling out a series of subliminal ads. Are you lovin that?

Read full article here
Continue reading “Is McDonald’s Ad Campaign Going Subliminal?”

Find New Music For Free: was created by the Music Genome Project, an interesting project that looks at the "DNA" of music and is able to create relationships between different songs and artists based on the character of the music.

You can use to find new music based on the artists that you already enjoy.  Very, very cool.

Here’s the wikipedia entry on the Music Genome Project.Continue reading “Find New Music For Free:”

Giving the Gift of Perspective

I’m listening to NPR this morning and hearing about the expensive and extravagant hot children’s gifts this season. Almost reading my mind, Morning Edition plays a commentary that expresses exactly what I was thinking.

Dawn Price worries that we are teaching our children that they are entitled to anything that they want and that there are so many other less fortunate children in the world who are faced with poverty, hunger, war and worse.

Listen to Dawn’s Commentary
Continue reading “Giving the Gift of Perspective”

The AAP Speaks Out About Ads Targeting Children

The AAP (American Association of Pediatrics) released a statement indicating that there are so many advertisements bombarding our children that they fear for their health.

Not mentioned in the article; what does this say about our society and the evolution of consumerism and capitalism? . . . We are now raising a generation that has been bombarded with advertisements and conditioned to be such avid consumers. How will this affect the continuing degradation of our environment and our natural resources?→ Continue reading “The AAP Speaks Out About Ads Targeting Children”