New Study Links Anti-Acid Drugs with C-diff Infections

Another piece of research that points to diet-behavior as the best solution for GERD, gastritis and heartburn sufferes.

New research indicates a link between taking proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers and increased risk of Clostridium difficile infections.

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Psoriasis Diet Tips

A good friend of mine mentioned that she noticed a spot of psoriasis on her.  I sent her an e-mail with a link to the previous article about diet and found this little tidbit.  Sounds interesting, although I haven’t yet tested it for myself.

Originally found on

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Naturopathic treatment of psoriasis looks at the diet, the liver and
the metabolism of fat and proteins. To help alleviate this problem you
can → Continue reading “Psoriasis Diet Tips”

Website Buyer’s Guide

So you are looking to buy a new website and might not know exactly where to start.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the things to think about when deciding what you want in a site, and what you want in a vendor.

When purchasing a website, either updates to an existing site or a brand-new custom website, there’s a lot that you need to know just to pick the right designer/developer.

What you need to know before you Continue reading “Website Buyer’s Guide”

The Paleolithic Diet

My adventures with GERD have led me to investigate the Paleolithic Diet.  Essentially, this diet answers the question, "What is the natural diet of homo sapiens?".

So, I’m beginning my research into this diet and will be posting links and my own findings as time goes by.

To start, here’s a good link with an overview of the Paleolithic Diet, it’s premise and list of foods.

Continue reading “The Paleolithic Diet”

I Believe There is No God, by Penn Jillette

NPR has resurrected the "This, I Believe" series of essays and today, I think I heard the best one yet.

This one is from Pen Jillette and details his belief on the absense of god and the richness of his life . . .
I believe that there is no God. I’m beyond
Atheism. Atheism is not believing in God. Not believing in God is easy
— you can’t prove a negative, so there’s no work to do. You can’t→ Continue reading “I Believe There is No God, by Penn Jillette”

Nice Flip-Flops Mr. Bush

Mr. Bush, seems to me like you are sporting some pretty nice flip-flops, at least as far as the Plame leak is concerned . . . 
From what I can tell, on September 30, 2003 you said, "If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is.  And if the person has violated the law the person will be taken care of."

Then on June 10, 2004 you were asked if you would fire → Continue reading “Nice Flip-Flops Mr. Bush”