Running Multiple VSCode Windows from the Same Workspace

In order to have two separate VSCode windows open that point to the same workspace, press CTRL+Shift+P and then search for Duplicate As Workspace in New Window. This will open a new window that is associated with the current workspace.

The thing to keep in mind is that it just DUPLICATED the existing workspace in a new window. Notice that at the top of the EXPLORER it will say UNTITLED (WORKSPACE). You can now work with two windows → Continue reading “Running Multiple VSCode Windows from the Same Workspace”

Apple Pie

A recipe for a double-crust pie. See this post for the pie crust recipe.

  • About 7 or 8 cups of chopped apples (I like to use sweet ones and then I can use less sugar)
  • 1 cup sugar (or 1/2 if you have sweet apples)
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp allspice
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar, or regular white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup citrus juice (apple, orange, etc)
Continue reading “Apple Pie”

Sweet Potato Pie

The egg whites folded into the mix make it a more fluffy and less dense pie. A wonderful treat! A recipe for a single-crust pie. See this post for the pie crust recipe.

  • 3 cups mashed sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 or 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg, cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  1. Take the butter out of the fridge to let it come to room temp
  2. You can either peel and boil the
Continue reading “Sweet Potato Pie”

Configuring a Bitbucket Pipeline for a Golang Project with Privately Hosted Dependencies

Go’s dependency management is based solely on git repos. Most of the libraries have publicly available repos from which you can clone the source and then build your project.

In my case, most of the Go that I’m writing ends up in private repos in Bitbucket. Currently, I’ve got a program that I am writing that is dependent on a library that I have written that is hosted as a private repo in Bitbucket. I wanted to setup a Bitbucket → Continue reading “Configuring a Bitbucket Pipeline for a Golang Project with Privately Hosted Dependencies”

Renaming Terminator Tabs Under XFCE4

Sometimes I need to have quite a few tabs open in a terminal window. For some reason, under XFCE4 when I press CTRL+Alt+A, which is defined as the keyboard shortcut to rename a tab, it hides the window.

The only way that I was able to get it to work was to re-label the shortcut to CTRL+Alt+Z under PreferencesKeybindings in Terminator.→ Continue reading “Renaming Terminator Tabs Under XFCE4”

Configuring VSCode to Use Build Tags in GoLang to Separate Integration and Unit Test Code

One of the ways to separate unit and integration test code in golang is to use build tags.

A TLDR; on build tags is that it is a way to tell the compiler which source code to include or ignore when doing a build.

For example: if we have the following golang code:

// +build integration

package integration

import "testing"

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
	// Some test code

Then this code will only be compiled if we run the → Continue reading “Configuring VSCode to Use Build Tags in GoLang to Separate Integration and Unit Test Code”

VSCode Change Indent for File Explorer Tree

For me, I have a hard time distinguishing between the folders, sub-folders, and files in the file explorer of VSCode because the indent is not very pronounced.

In order to increase the indent go to File -Preferences -Settings. Search for “indent” and then click on Workbench in the left-hand side navigation pane of the settings window and scroll down to Workbench Tree: Indent and then enter the number of pixels for the tree indentation. I doubled it, going → Continue reading “VSCode Change Indent for File Explorer Tree”

Visual Studio Code Cheat Sheet under Linux

As I’m still learning vscode, I’m keeping track of a cheat sheet for shortcuts and other functionality for the IDE.

The following is under Linux, specifically Debian 10 with XFCE.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Edit a string in the entire file that matches exactly the string that you have highlighted. For example: you might have a comment, or a variable name, in a file that you want to find and change globally. Highlight the string and then type CTRL+Shift+L then type the
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VSCode Keyboard Shortcut to Navigate Between Split Panes

In general, I cannot stand using a mouse. It hurts my hand and takes up a ton of time having to move my hand from the keyboard, to the mouse, move the mouse, click, and then move back to the keyboard.

I am a relatively new VSCode user and was pleased that it has a really good vim emulator. I almost always write code in a split screen so that I can either see two different files at the same → Continue reading “VSCode Keyboard Shortcut to Navigate Between Split Panes”