When setting up Eclipse for Android development, after you have installed the Develeper Tools and NDK Plugins and linked to the ADT-bundle and then imported your project (see othere posts related by searching for ‘android’) I got the following error:
[2014-03-24 14:14:53 - android_sdk] Unable to resolve target 'android-18'
I went and checked to make sure that the Platform.MinPlatformToolsRev
property in the ~/path/to/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20131030/sdk/tools/source.properties
matched that of my project.properties file.
They were both 18. Eh? Why the error?
So, in Eclipse, I went to the Window > Android SDK Manager and looked at the version of the Android SDK Platform that was installed. It was:
Android 4.4.2 (API 19) and the checkbox next to SDK Platform under that sub-heading was checked.
So, I went back to my project.properties and updated the target property to:
which eliminated that error.