Too Many Open Files Errors When Using Runtime.exec() or ProcessBuilder.start() to Execute A Process

Java enables you to exectute a process on the host OS and to provide input (STDIN) to the process and read standard out (STDOUT) and standard error (STDERR).  Each time that you execute a process via Runtime.exec() or ProcessBuilder.start() STDIN, STOUT, and STDERR are piped to the running JVM as an OutputStream or InputStream.  For each stream there are two file descriptors and typically when the process terminates those streams are closed also closing the two file descriptors.

Even if you destroy the Process via Process.destroy() you may still be leaking file descriptors.  The typical symptoms are as follows:

1. You see a growing number of named pipes in the output of lsof:

java      8654 rchapin   23w     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26015 pipe
java      8654 rchapin   24r     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26016 pipe
java      8654 rchapin   26r     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26017 pipe
java      8654 rchapin   30w     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26031 pipe
java      8654 rchapin   31r     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26032 pipe
java      8654 rchapin   33r     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26033 pipe
java      8678 rchapin    0r     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26015 pipe
java      8678 rchapin    1w     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26016 pipe
java      8678 rchapin    2w     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26017 pipe
java      8680 rchapin    0r     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26031 pipe
java      8680 rchapin    1w     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26032 pipe
java      8680 rchapin    2w     FIFO        0,6        0t0      26033 pipe

2. You start seeing the ‘Too many open files’ error in your log:

2012-07-06 02:39:27,260 (ERROR) (Thread-6) error=24, Too many open files

A good practice is to make sure to get a reference to each of the Streams and to explicitly close them, REGARDLESS of whether you actually utilize those streams.


Process process = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(“some command here”);
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(someCommandArray);
Process process = processBuilder.start();

// To close them

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